
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Monday, December 25, 2006


And Happy New Year to everyone! We're home to TN for the holidays and I'm back on the bloggy train (also back on the gravy train, but that's another story entirely). As my Christmas gift, while all my FOBers were fabulous, I award Knitty Yoda top marks for her dedication to this project. In my absence she has brilliantly kept the F.O.B. juices flowing. In honor of that I answer her #3 question, summed up as, now that Christmas knitting is *mostly over* (a bit like being "mostly dead") what is on or going on your needles?

3. Harry Potter scarf. Always and forever. It's near five feet in length now. The plan: knit until I run out of yarn.

2. I'd like to start a sweater for The Hubba. Our LYS is about to have a phenomenal sale and I'm thinking I'll pick up some Cascade 220 and start something in January.

1. A bag for me! I'll post pics of the yarn when we're home; it's a beautiful, Kelly-green tweedy wool.

I'll deviate from Yoda's #2 (having no Little Boo to reference ) and instead ask: what are you grateful for this holiday season?

2. We're all well-ish. The Hubba and I have both gotten a bit sniffly, but no one's had to go to the emergency room yet (coughcoughDadTheHubba) so we're on a great track (compared to the time The Hubba got the flu so badly we spent Christmas Eve in the hospital having him pumped full of fluid or the time I awoke to a phone call from Dad- sounding absurdly jolly- saying he'd sliced- his word- the tip of his finger and he and Suz Knitter were on the way to St. Mary's and would I care to meet them there before we had Christmas breakfast). Sniffles ain't got nothin' on us.

1. We're home! We're home! We're really, really home! And it's so nice to be here. I think it's interesting how I see NC as our home and yet Knoxville will always be home too. I've even used the sentence, when describing our traveling plans, "We'll head home on Friday, stay through Christmas and then we'll come home middle of next week."

And finally, Yoda's #1: If Santa could really bring anything at all, what would it be?

She- kind girl- asked for world peace. Me, well, I'm asking for inner peace or getting near that place as often as possible.

Thank you so much to all my FOBbers. This has been such a good time reading your clever questions and answers. And it certainly made the time from then to now fly by!

We here at the extended Knitter household wish everyone a delicious, joyful day! Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hooray- you're back to blogging land too...kinda :) I know what you mean by the blogging brain feeling a bit fried. I think my computer felt it too.. hahaha! Lucky for me, Jack works with a few computer geniuses (sp?) and I got the devilbox fixed for free (sigh of relief). Isn't that purple yarn to die for? When I opened up that package, I nearly pooped my pants!! *grin* :) I couldn't believe my eyes! Anyway, I'll be putting up some pics of Mr. Eli in all of his present opening glory and also some pics of the shawl I made for my mom. I can finally show it- woo-hoo! Well, I'm off to check the mail for my package from Thailand...Aren't I just the intercontinental one...;P

P.S. What's with the new blogger thing? It's freaking me out man...I don't want to change mine over/ I'm rather happy where I'm at :P

4:22 PM  

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