
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happiness Is a Cold Floor

While I'm hustling around, trying to finish my unfinished projects, the dogs did this, pretty much all day yesterday:

Inspiring, huh? Probably what we all should have been doing yesterday afternoon. Maybe not on the floor, but the basic restive pose doesn't look too bad.

But I wasn't. I was finishing a teeny-tiny baby hat.

Really teeny tiny. Made for a baby who should be born sometime late October. I didn't want to make this Umbilical Cord hat as big as the last one, because this baby will need the hat sooner and the last hat was already a pretty decent size. However. I may have gone to the other extreme.

First big hat, that fit a four-month-old baby with room to spare, compared to new teeny-tiny hat.

Either this hat will be taking a trip to the frog pond, or else I'll find a teeny-tiny baby to fit it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm, they look like dogs, but they act like cats ;) say maybe they need another visit so they can get up and sniff!! You have been one busy gal, knitten up all those nice gifts!!! I am working on a chemo hat made from Chinchilla from Berrico.not real fur but really soft!

7:41 PM  

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