
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Can't Talk Now, Jack's On

First, let me say, about the lack of blogging, I hold Jack Bauer entirely responsible. Have you all seen this show? Good grief! Every episode ends on a heart attack waiting to happen. We rented the first season a few weeks ago (and here I blame The Hubba entirely) and now we're addicts. No way around it. I'm not even sure I like the show, but it's fast pace, constant plot twists, actors skilled in The Art of Suspicious Looks and promotion of Men of All Heights is too much to resist (on IMDB it says Keifer Sutherland is 5 feet, 10 and a half inches- it's true, folks, true the same way I often body double for Gisele Bündchen ((is it possible to do a parenthesis inside a a parenthesis? 'Cause I am, only to tell you, check out Keifer and Gisele's full names- seriously? I mean seriously?)) ). Whether or not you like the show, whether or not those accents are even close to accurate, whether or not Keifer's wearing heels, Jack Bauer is a bad man.

So very little blog changes occured this weekend due to Season Two. Though, home changes did take place. We have curtains! In our bedroom. So exciting. And The Hubba hung them. And I stood around and handed him screws and tools when he needed them. And we're still speaking! It's a 24 miracle!

House repair/remodeling/updates never do run smoothly for us (didn't Shakespeare write about that?). The Hubba isn't exactly "handy," as a repairman once said, and I'm not exactly helpful and most of the time odds are 2:1 if he's using tools around the house and I'm there, words will be exchanged.

However, curtain hanging (including putting up the rods) is safe territory. Between the two of us, we located all necessary tools, opened boxes (The Hubba only suffering a minor cut on his thumb from a rogue staple in the curtain rod box), he asked how high the rod should be, I answered concisely and clearly, and together we got it done. Whoo-hoo! Now, instead of large, fur-covered blankets hung up over the windows with thumb tacs (we were the the low-end smack house in middle class suburbia), we have dark blue curtains on honest-to-God curtain rods. One small step for Adulthood, one giant leap for Knitterkind.

I'll be blog updating today- bringing in the new changes and improvements. Honestly. At least I will unless CTU calls and says there's a bomb somewhere in the city of Burlington and only my Steve Madden heels and eyebrow-raising ability can save the state of North Carolina. I won't be at liberty to write about it, but I know ya'll will understand.


Blogger JCarson said...

Congrats on the curtains--and on only one small bloodletting

11:49 AM  

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