
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Calling All Type-A's

I spent a little time last night in serious contemplation. Meditation. Not exactly self examination. Stash examination.

I have, over the last nine months, acquired a wide assortment of yarns, left-over yarns, circular needles, double-pointed needles, patterns and knitting notions. And over time, all these bits and pieces have picked themselves up and scattered around the house. Honestly. I had nothing to do with it, being a naturally organized person. Yet against my best intentions I now have many knitter possessions and absolutely no rhyme or reason on how to sort them out.

For instance, after a little digging, I realized I have a ball of Euro Flax linen in a lovely variegated purple, a couple balls of Bambino variegated cotton, a pair of Clover Flex needles in size 10 and many, many, many crumpled yarn store bags. Yet the one item I was convinced I had, the one item I did not purchase before I left the store last night, certain I had it at home, are a set of Addi DPNs size 0. The one thing I can't put my hands on.

Or in my yarn bag- the one I heave all over this earth- I discovered (just to pick a few): two separate scraps of Sugar n' Cream cotton, one unused tea bag, one broken tape measure, a stack of crumpled patterns, one Christmas card (thanks Miz Knotty!), a whopping handful of knitting needles, of all types and sizes, and, oh I shudder to think of The Hubba ever coming across this, a stack of receipts.

I ask, how do I organize this, er, situation? This Saturday there are no football games/holidays/parties and I plan to spend a chunk of it at either Home Depot or Lowe's purchasing supplies to sort this out. So- how? Plastic bins seem a step in the right direction. Or what about those little cabinets with wheels made of that plastic-y stuff (the cabinets, not the wheels)? Where do I start? What are all the cool knitters doing these days?

Also, what's on the needles pics to come in the next day or two. There's lots being knit, swear it! At least if I can find my size 0 DPNs

And, nothing to do with the rest of the post (please give suggestions, ya'll, I'm needin' some yarny guidance):
The Balloon Flower Story (for the more metaphysical readership, a.k.a, the more woo-woo readership a.k.a. the more hoo-doo voo-doo readership, a.k.a. me)
There's actually a great story behind the balloon flower. I watched a movie dealing with the idea of how we, individuals, create our own reality. Did anyone out there see "What the Bleep Do We Know?" This film takes What the Bleep to the next level and if you're a WtB fan, seriously, you should see it.

Anyhoo, one of the speakers in the film recommends trying out this theory of creativity, by picking something small you want to create, like cup of coffee. Last Thursday morning I woke up and decided I wanted a flower that day. And I didn't say anything about it to anyone, not even The Hubba, and I didn't think about it again (that's what you do, have the thought, focus on it briefly and then release it. It can't be something you have anything attached to like "I want a million dollars" or "the perfect body" though that IS possible, once- well, anyway, if you want the name of the film let me know). So I wanted my flower and then didn't think about it again until I was driving home Thursday night and suddenly thought "Well, I didn't get the flower. No biggie. Maybe later."

Friday night The Hubba came home from work with a gift, he said. And, because we are twelve, he made me close my eyes and hold out my hands, while he told me about a clown (I kid you not) who was in his office making balloon creations to raise money for charity. And what did he get with his donation? A flower! I realize, you probably saw where this was going but still- a flower! Isn't that insane and so neat at the same time?! Power of the mind, ya'll, power of the mind (I'm nodding wisely while typing this and looking out into the distance). So I had to post my balloon flower which I'm plain crazy about it and which, shockingly, is sill holding up five days later.


Blogger Renee said...

Love the balloon story! We'll talk tonight about your organization questions.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow!! How freakin cool is that?! I'm so glad it wasn't the clown that Jack almost ran over the other day...but that's a whole 'nother story :)

Regarding organization. Don't even bother with plastic bins...If you're headed to the Depot, buy materials to build another room and you'll be A) ahead of the game and b) prepared!! Win-win...that's how you sell it to the hubba :)

1:23 PM  

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