
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

As Yooou Wiiiish

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." Peter Drucker

Today I am grateful for (in absolutely no particular order):

Colds that don’t keep you up at night, but do leave your voice sounding faintly throaty and mature, a little like a younger Kathleen Turner (in fact I took advantage of this and re-recorded our machine’s outgoing message so I sound grown-up, albeit a little depressed, but NOT the squeaky chipmunk I hear whenever I check our messages and hear my greeting).

Friends who invite me over to spend an afternoon knitting and chatting, like Miz Knotty and I did yesterday, while Miss Knotty had her nap (you must, you must, you must check out her site to see the gorgeous Miss Knotty suited up for Halloween).

Friends who want to catch-up on the phone for an hour and a half, like Knitty Yoda, while Little Boo was at his pre-school, and I did yesterday morning, talking about a lot of not important to most people that’s important to us (run, do not walk, to see Little Boo with his newest Knitty Yoda creation).

Friends who send emails when they hear a song that makes them think of you, like Kelly did yesterday afternoon when she heard a DMB tune.

Friends who don’t give up on talking to you, even when they have to call two or three times to your one return call, like Kristie patiently does.

Husbands who come home from work and, though there are things he would love to do like watch a little Sports Center or a movie or just relax, (still wearing his tie!) sit down and help you work out the website you are trying to create for your yarn store and spend an hour on the phone with customer service and even after dinner return back upstairs to help you finish. Without ever being asked.

Parents who send you kind emails on your blog specifically and your writing generally about how good they both are (even when you, most of the time, are certain everyone else is doing the exact same thing as you, only better), like Mum Knitter did last night.

Parents who call just for a chat like Pops Knitter does all the time.

Parents, who even though they don't comment, you know check your blog every single day, probably twice, like Suz Knitter.

Dogs who behave as well as they can whenever you leave the house, as our dogs do all the time.

Yarn that can always be unknit and redone and will always forgive you no matter how many times you frog it (though sometimes it asks you to wet it down and stretch it out to get all the kinks out).

Great movies that give you a title for the day.

Time in the morning to sit down and record what a really, really nice life I have.


Blogger Renee said...

What a wonderful post. It is good to count your blessings and to let others know that they are special to you. You are such a lovely person and I am thankful that I have a wonderful new friend who will come to my home and visit while my daughter naps! You and Knitty Yoda are great friends!

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and friends like you that start to work at the LYS and make it a happening place.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

"Stop that rhyming now I mean it!"
"Anybody want a peanut?"

8:24 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Hi, didn't know your e-mail address so I thought I would give you the info for the Candy Corn sock info from the Monster-A-Long here: I got the yarn from and it is of the self-striping variety so all I had to do was knit :) I admit I am a HP fan myself so I am hoping you don't have to frog your scarf! Have a great day and hopefully the sock info helps!

5:49 PM  

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