
We're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


First Bath:
This was left, literally, in the hands of her Big Daddy. There was no way I was holding our tiny, slippery, wiggly baby over the hard sink and granite countertops. So his job was to bathe and my job was to take pictures and say "oooo, careful!" every two minutes.

First Party:

The party was close family, all celebrating my birthday, but let's be honest- no one cared, least of all me (and that's saying something- I think we all remember stories of birthdays past). This was an excuse for everyone to get together and see Dory.

This is pretty much what people did the entire time. Someone held Dory and the rest of us stood around them talking about how beautiful she is.

First Playtime:

First Grocery Store Visit:
I popped her in the baby sling and off she and I went. No pictures though. People gave me funny enough looks carrying her in sling. I think if I'd been walking around trying to take pictures of us at the same time, we might have been asked to leave.

First Adult Beverage:
Mine, not hers! After eleven months (OHMYGOD that's almost a year) of living the life of a teetotaler, I decided, around her four week birthday, I was chancing a drink.

I nursed her, handed her to Big Daddy (maybe The Hubba's new blog name- it's what I'm now in the habit of calling him), and partook of about ten ounces of one of his home-brewed beers. A red. Delicious. Mind you, I didn't have long to enjoy it. I actually drank it at light speed, assuming the faster I got it into my body, the faster it left my body, and therefore wouldn't influence her next feeding. So, in some ways, even the first adult beverage was about Dory.

I know it won't be this way forever, this complete and total focus on one little person. But for the time, I love it. I thought, when I was pregnant, I'd be glad for the baby to get here so we could start talking about something else. Small backfire there. All we really seem to want to talk about is her. Sure other stuff creeps in. Dave Matthews Band and their sad news. The dogs. The house. The upcoming football season (starts tonight by the way! Hallelujah!). But somehow it always comes back to Dory.

Who probably thinks she's found herself in the house of the most boring conversationalists EVER.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

She's here.

She's been here for almost two weeks.

Born July 29th, at 1:07 pm, Baby B is a beautiful 7 lb, 12 oz Baby Girl. Her name is Dorothy Grace. She has beautiful blue eyes, dark hair that slowly grows lighter every day, the sweetest round cheeks imaginable and the hearts of her parents. We can't look away from her, we can't put her down, we can't seem to do almost anything else. Hence blogging nearly two weeks after the big event. If the option is "Hold Dory" or do... well, something that isn't Hold Dory, Hold Dory wins every single time. I knit for about three minutes yesterday and it was the first time since the night before her birth and, to be completely honest, I was wearing her in a Moby wrap at the time, so it didn't exactly count as not Holding Dory. She's in the Moby as I type this post, so, again, even though I'm blogging, I'm still Holding Dory. This should be the new national pastime, except I absolutely refuse to share.

I won't write more now. Announcing her presence here in this world seems like the most meaningful thing I could say right now. Instead, here are a few pictures from her amazing and illustrious little life.

About an hour after her birth with her Daddy...

Two days after her birth...

And, somehow still getting prettier every single day, one week after her birth...

I know I'm the most prejudiced person on this earth (except her Dad and grandparents) but isn't she just heavenly?
